Monday, September 26, 2005

IPANE in the Evening - Day 1

The rest of the day's talks were all about sources of funding for invasive species control...and most of it went right over my head. Too many acronyms: BASF, USFWS, EQIP, GRP, CSP, LIP. Rather than a summary, I'm just going to post a few links so those of you who are interested can start deciphering things for yourselves:

  • EQIP
  • LIP CT
  • LIP MA
  • Schedule of webcasts from BASF, many of which relate to invasive species. The speaker, Jason Bean, noted that there would be a webcast about funding resources on October 10th. A couple of attendees noted that past webcasts were very helpful, but I have to admit the role of BASF as a facilitator for funding to fight invasives creeps me out a little, since the unspoken implication here is "so that you can buy our herbicides."

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