Friday, July 03, 2009


ARS News has the results of a study showing that aerial spraying of herbicide on leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) on ranchland led to increased populations of the spurge and had a decade-plus impact on the native plant species there. The study looked at the after effects of a one-time application of the herbicide - presumably, more spraying would lead to a reduction in the amount of spurge, but would also further negatively impact the native plant species.


Anonymous said...

Yet another brilliant attempt by the chemical brotherhood to "control" something. This is an exercise in futility, stop this madness now. This "invasive-exotic-nonnative" nonsense needs to end, there is NO biological meaning whatsoever to these terms, and anyone using them displays a profound ingorance of biogeography and evolutionary history.

Anonymous said...

Here here anonymous! It would be nice if these folks would use more appropriate terminology, like "weeds" for plants or "pests" for other organisms. The bottom line is so-called invasive species threaten environmental managers' efforts to preserve the environment in some arbitrary state that may never have existed. These species are a threat to economic hegemony, not biodiversity. More often than not, introduced species are helpful to damaged ecosystems. Invasive species fear-mongers are doing their best to co-opt the environmental movement through xenophobia.